Inter-Collegiate Quiz Competition

The Department of Commerce, Government College of Commerce & Economics, Borda, organized an intercollegiate COMMERCE QUIZ on 16th February 2024. Dr. Anson Albuquerque, Assistant Director at the Directorate of Higher Education, served as the quiz master for the event, which saw participation from 7 colleges.

Two teams represented our college in the quiz. The first team consisted of Ms. Shreeyash Sinai Dalal and Mr. Vedang Bagade (T.Y.B.Com), while the second team comprised Ms. Astha Kossambe and Ms. Arya Kamat (T.Y.B.Com).

The quiz commenced with a written preliminary round, conducted through a Google form, focusing on topics related to accounting and taxation. Four teams qualified for the on-stage quiz competition.

The main quiz comprised three challenging rounds that tested participants’ knowledge in taxation, business, and commerce. It proved to be an engaging and informative experience for all teams.

In the final round, teams from Damodar College and GVM’s College were tied with a total of 160 points. A tie-breaker question was posed by the quizmaster, resulting in Damodar College emerging as the winner, with GVM’s College securing the runner-up position.

The members of the winning team from our institution, Ms. Shreeyash and Mr. Vedang, were awarded certificates and a winning trophy. The quizmaster commended the efforts of all participants and winning teams for their dedication to the event. The prize distribution concluded with a Vote of Thanks.
